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John the coward doesn’t even tell staff they’ve lost their job

The company has been wound up and the coward couldn’t even email staff himself! He had the administrator do it!
What a coward. All his chest beating and bravado over the years, all his pompous bragging and pretending he’s a hot shot CEO travelling the world, Mr. Important Tech Entrepreneur and he doesn’t even have the decency to email staff himself. 

This is because John and Chris were, and still are, nothing more than a couple of Chuck Ponzi’s.

They never cared about making the business a success, they never cared about people, they only care about money and perpetuating false narratives to sucker people into funding their desired lifestyle. 

And now, because they’ve appointed their own administrator, a friend of their crook accountant, so most likely a crook by association – there will be no real confirmation by way of proper investigation of their negligence and corruption.

The investor funds siphoned from the business through share swapping, directors’ loans, and ‘loan repayments’, and other crooked means as outlined in the internal report, will be disregarded, allowing the brothers to evade accountability once more.

Because of this, we will hear about them again in the news, having gaslit and sold their wares to an unwitting bunch of schmucks – though this time, like each time before – the groovetrains (look up how they funded e-mersion initially on the thread above), the cleaning product business, etc – they will have learned a little more and will approach the ponzi a little different next time round having never spent a dollar of their own money.

The boys love a legal battle, because you can make up your own narrative if you’ve paid, or let’s be honest, used other people’s money, for lawyers. And like all the legal battles they’ve had thus far – they’ll count this as a win – because they’re not in jail nor are they going to be found liable now that they have their own man working the books in the administration.


Update from the other side: 

Fair Work have found in favour of all former employee’s accused of ‘misconduct’, which was then used as an argument to not pay entitlements, to the tune of $300k, collectively.

Quotes from FW Outcome letter:

Based on the available evidence, I have formed a reasonable belief that the Employer has contravened
section 90(2) of the FW Act by failing to pay you XXX hours of accrued untaken annual leave on termination
of employment.

Based on the available evidence, I have formed a reasonable belief that the Employer contravened clause 4.3
of the NMWO by failing to pay you for work performed during the period from X XXXX 2023 to XX XXXX 2023.

These same staff were admitted as creditors during the first administration meeting for $1 each, which they understandably objected to. This was largely based on the false claims and unfounded allegations of misconduct, which Fair Work has now disproved.

So, the gaslighting tactics by John, Chris, and their supporters and Mitre barrel buddies have been exposed as baseless… who would have thought it?!
