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I had a request by email for an interview in August but declined. Not sure if as a group we interview?  Basil Stathoulis


Turner-Cohen, Alex

25 Aug 2023, 00:40


Hi there,

I’m a finance reporter from I was hoping to chat to you about a company I have been looking into and I was wondering if you wanted to lend your voice to some of the others I have spoken to. 

The company is called EMersion media. I’ve been told you might be a good person to chat with. I can keep you anonymous.

Could you give me a call on 0403 496 176 or email me direct?



0403 496 176

Everyone should speak with her. Staying quiet means staying complicit to their fraud. They lied to secure our money, then they spent it on themselves, gave themselves more free shares, and have now given away the company we paid to build to others, and continue to lie and hide. ”If you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem.”

When is the article coming out?