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We’re just publishing Formula 1 race programme PDFs now?!?!?

What the hell? I just saw F1 link to this. Wasn’t the whole point of our investment that Emersion was better than standard pdfs and now we’re just doing this? Where is our technology? So what did I invest in a design company????? This is the final nail in the coffin for me 

Now now, give them a break.

They probably don’t have enough staff left to service the proper app anymore. That, or they probably haven’t paid some bills 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


John’s a pretty honest guy, I’m sure he’s I’ll update us all in a timely manner about what’s happened.

Quote from Mark Bartlett on November 19, 2023, 1:43 am

Hi John. It’s your responsibility to update shareholders. You haven’t in four years. It’s not our responsibility to email you and hope you reply when you haven’t in the past.  Several of us have emailed asking for updates and shareholder meetings and been ignored. We’ve given up. Call a shareholder meeting and give us answers. We’ve been demanding it in private and now in public for years so don’t act like we haven’t emailed you. We have. As has Rick. We’re all on the emails.

*removed post because actually don’t want to get in trouble. Please delete *

Quote from Mark Bartlett on November 19, 2023, 1:43 am

LOL good one “Mark.”